What is obesity?
Obesity is a disease of overweigh people. It causes health problems and can lead to social problems.
What are the reasons for obesity in children?
- Unhealthy food choices.
- Lack of physical activity.
- Family eating habits.
Is obesity only a national problem?
No, it isn't.
What do statistics show?
It is predicted that 65 per cent of young Australians will be overweight or obese by 2020.
What is making the obesity problem worse?
There have been somes major changes that have led to people either eating more or less active in society such as: the cost of food has gone down, marketting of energy-dense foods and drinks has increased andthe use of cars has increase.
Does obesity have an impact on children's health?
Yes, it does.
If yes, explain how?
Overweight or obese children are more likely to remain obese as adolescents and become overweight or obese adults. About 80 per cent of obese adolescents will become obese adults.
What are the other impacts caused by obesity in children?
Children who are obese tend to become obese adults.
What is the treatment?
- Have a healthy food choices.
- Do regular exercises.
- Changing lifestyle and dietary.